Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Video: Did You Know 2.0

8:01 minutes
Karl Fisch
To download an transcript of the video click PDF or Word

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Beating Blogger's Block: Blog Starters & Styles

Here is a link collection of some useful blog posts about blogging when you got the blogger's block:

The 25 Basic Styles of Blogging... And When to Use Each One Slideshow

Blogging Tips - 29 Topics and Sentence Starters for Your Next Blog Prompt List

The 5 Types of Blogs That Experts Write

Educators See Also:

Transparency and constructivism, etc. (Or five good reasons to blog the research process)

ResearchLogTemplate shows a great example how one could use the category features to work and organize your research into.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Blog Rules & Contract

Update: I created our Class Blogger's Contract thanks to all of the help below

This year I will be starting my first elementary class blog. I want to make sure I am starting this up the safe and . I am currently doing some research on Blog Rules and Contracts for students.

Here is a list of some of my research:

*Blog Rules from a Mrs.Bizzel's 5th grade GT class

*A nice student/teacher Blog Contract from Mark's Edtechblog

* Colorado teacher Bud Hunt created a student's blogging guide

*Class Blogmeister, a blogging service, has a blogger’s pledge that you download here

*A Middle School Blog Contract example

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Definition of a Blog

I decided to stop torturing myself with weeks of writers block to try to tackle the daunting task of coming up with my own synthesized definition of blogs. But then I remembered the "define: " keyword that you can plug into google search which lets google scrap the web of the best definitions. To save you a step click here to see the web's best definitions of a blog.

See Also:

*Wikipedia's def of a blog and their great list of blogging terms.

* I Blog, Therefore…